The Flight
I had a dream last night. It was a wish fulfilling dream, I could fly, I could sing a storm up. What a dream it was. I was standing on top of a tall stone pillar in the midst of a forest. I was standing there all alone, like a statue. Dressed in red and orange robes, red and orange...the colours of passion, I was standing on one foot, with the other foot raised high up like the tail of a peacock. My arms were outstretched...holding a yellow scarf, almost like a dancer about to start performing. The posture was almost that of a flying figure that we see in far eastern murals and scrolls. Then suddenly, almost suddenly, I started to spin...spin faster and faster till I was just a wispy blurr... like a tornado in the middle of a green enchanted forest. I spun like a top, atop the stone pillar for quite some time, without rhyme or reason. Then, when the spinning was too fast for the pillar to bear, I took off, into the air..with one graceful leap...flying over the treetops..just like a Chinese flying a goddess of the wind. I glided for some time, effortlessly, banishing the yellow scarf in front of me like a sword.The topmost branches of the trees just grazed my feet. Then slowly, very slowly, i slowed down and started to descend towards the ground, twirling and floating like a ballerina. I don't have words to describe my feelings...the way my heart became as light as a feather. But like all good things, it came to an end. But the dream did not end there but merely transformed itself into another unreal setting where unlike my previous other worldly self, here I was a child of the earth, firmly rooted and strong. I was standing in the middle of a desert, it was dusk. I started singing...I cannot remember the words but it was a soul full song. I sang from my I never sang before till the sky started to darken and a storm started to if provoked by my song. The earth joined in and the sounds of the wind and the sky chorused along with me. It was the the most powerful that I have ever dream or in reality. But, alas, dreams are meant to be broken and I woke up to another dull and monotonous day, where nothing of this sort ever happens. But such is the magic of life that however troublesome or sorrowful we might be, one never stops dreaming!
So, why I narrated this absurdity to all of you? because I want to tell you all one thing today... DREAM ON!
it is the bhery nicings! i am labhing it. you are the shuper shtar!
I never knew u wrote...very nice..i love the way uve described the blithe spirit! :)
keep writing...all the best! hehe
hy! i love that uve started ur blog..and i never knew u wrote also! so good job! i really like how uve described that blithe spirit..:)
keep them coming!
cool it dude...its a dream..and dreams will b there wid us thru out our do it and fill ur blogspace wid u r weird dreams...i love to be swept away wid them..come on...!!!
well brother i fink we are soul mates
but u r far betta then me a lot better
u explain ur words n thoughts very well
hey aweeeeeesome blog... keep it up!! rock on! n plzz chk mine new on blogger so...
Beautiful dream...narrated beautifully... yeah..Dream On!! Some of them (non magical ones) might come true.
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